Our Olympian roster is busy mentoring students and athletes all across Canada !
Image above: 2016 athletics Olympian Evan Dunfee with the rowing team at St. George's School in Vancouver, BC. Evan spoke to the young men about healthy habits while leading them through a stretching and recovery session in the gym with foam rollers.
Evan is a race walker and this past month he walked 25km a day for 25 days to raise money for Kidsport BC - an organization that helps youth across the world access sport - Read more about Evan's 25 day challenge here !

- Head to Head is doing an internal deep dive on the current business structure. We're seeking feedback, input, ideas and opportunities that will help us to continue to deliver the best possible program to schools and clubs across Canada.
- We're thrilled about the innovative ways schools have managed to leverage each Olympian mentor this past month; like having the Olympian speak to parent groups about navigating the sport system, and sharing ideas and experiences with regards to parent support!
- Our Olympian roster is growing, and we're continuing to register new schools and clubs for our year long mentorship programs, some of which will kick off in January 2019. The latest school to join our mentorship program? John Wanless Public School in Toronto! We are so excited to plan a year full of impactful mentorship with them !!
How can you help?
- Increase awareness and engagement - many of our successful partnerships, programs and ideas come from connections, and word of mouth. If you know anybody involved in student life, or athletics at schools (K-12), colleges, universities, or sports clubs (any level) please have them contact us for a chat !
- Corporate speaking engagements! We are constantly looking for opportunities to have our Olympians, share their stories in corporate settings. In a quickly changing world, full of industry disruption, we know that many leaders are faced with challenges and change often and consistently. Being resilient and agile, and having tools to manage pressure are all skills that our Olympian speakers can discuss.
- Partnership discussions; Head to Head is making an impact in communities across Canada. We pride ourselves on our nationwide reach, bilingualism and ability to collaborate with partners to help fit their desire to connect with and positively influence their communities. We want to be connected with any companies; large or small, looking to increase awareness, impact and engagement in the community, both in and out of sport!

Images above (left to right)
Olympic champion in women's hockey, Brianne Jenner, speaks to the student-athletes at Olds college in Alberta about Goal Setting and Accountability
2016 Olympic beach volleyball player, Jamie Broder works with the student-athletes at Southridge school in Surrey, BC on the court!
3 Different Olympian mentors visited parent groups this past month

Pictured above: 2016 Olympic beach volley ball player, Jamie Broder, and her mother Kathy Broder, shared their experiences with St. John's school in Vancouver. They spoke about the benefits that sport and other extra curricular activities brought to Jamie's life. They shared how these extra curricular activities helped to teach Jamie important lessons like managing stress and time, setting goals and being resilient - all of which ultimately led to Jamie's success academically as well!
Many of the parent visits that our Olympians led across Canada focused on:
- Helping parents to better understand and navigate the sports world that their student/athlete is participating in.
- What does it mean to be carded?
- What is a provincial camp?
- How do I know my child is in the best program?
- What services exist in sport, and would using these services help my child reach their potential?
- Sharing experience that the Olympians had growing up
- Did you specialize in your sport early or play all sports for a few years first?
- Did your parents push you? or sit back and play a 'supporting only' role?
- Did your parents communicate with your coaches?
- Did your parents ask you questions about your sport? or let you escape it when you weren't playing?
- How did you manage both school and swimming? How did your parents make sure that you knew both were important?
- And much more !
Testimonials of the month
- from student-athletes who participated in Head to Head's year long mentorship program
"I learned that everyone gets nervous and that it is okay to be nervous. I learned how to turn your negative nerves into positive emotions. I am glad that I was able to learn new technique skills from an Olympian."
- Direct quote from a student-athlete in the 2017/2018 Head to Head program
"Amazing...I am more confident in so many different levels... I am better at managing my nerves and the pressure... I feel like I can fully commit to swimming and my other passions all thanks to Head to Head"
- Direct quote from an athlete in the 2017/2018 Head to Head program
Upcoming Olympian Led Swim Clinic Details - www.headtohead.ca/clinics
Please share these links and details!
Sunday November 25th, 2018: 10:00AM - 1:00PM
Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre
With 2016 Olympic Finalist, Kierra Smith
In pool focus: Breaststroke, Pullouts and Sculling
In classroom focus: Balancing Academics, Athletics, Social (Time Management)
*All swimmers get a free pair of Speedo goggles!
Direct link here
Sunday December 30th, 2018: 10:00AM - 1:00PM
Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre
With 2015 Pan Am Medallist Zack Chetrat
In pool focus: Butterfly, Kick, Drills and Technique
In classroom focus: Team Culture and Daily Training Environment
Direct link here
Sun Nov 11th, 2018: 12:00PM - 3:00PM MT
YMCA Eau Claire
With Olympian Jason Block
In pool focus: Turns, Relay Takeovers, Breakouts
In classroom focus: Goal Setting
Direct link here
Sunday November 18th: 9:30AM 12:30PM
Nepean Sportsplex
With Olympian Charles Francis
In pool focus: Backstroke, Freestyle, Pull Drills
In classroom focus: Balancing Academics, Athletics, Social (Time Management)
Direct link here
Sunday December 30th, 2018
Nepean Sportsplex
Olympian Lead TBC
In pool focus: TBC
In classroom focus: TBC
Link coming soon
Head to Head is seeking new partners who would like to collaborate on content, community activations and employee engagement and who can help us deliver our Olympian led mentorship programs across Canada.


Team Aquatic Supplies is a proud supporter of swimming in Canada. In collaboration with Head to Head, they are helping to expand exclusive swim clinic opportunities, and to share insight from Olympians. Keep an eye out for our video series and contests on social media coming soon! @teamaquatic @teamaquaticsupplies |

Speedo Canada has partnered with Head to Head to co-promote events, share opportunities with youth nationwide and to help provide product for Olympians and some clinic attendees. @speedocanada |

Performance Coaching Inc continues to support Head to Head, through professional development and training opportunities for Olympian mentors. @performcoach |