Head to Head Swim Clinics

Head to Head swim clinics are led by active and retired Olympic swimmers. Each clinic is designed for youth between the ages of 10 and 17 yrs, from all levels of swimming (early competitive to national level). We keep clinic sizes small to ensure all swimmers get time with their Olympian lead.

Clinics include:

  • in water demonstrations by Olympians, a different skill focus in each session
  • a classroom session or poolside chat with an important life skill topic focus, tips, Q & A session, and a chance to check out international and Olympic medals!
  • Giveaways and time for photos, autographs and more

See the table below for details on our upcoming clinics. Click on the register now button to see what that clinic will focus on!

📷: @MKuhnPhoto

Upcoming Swim Clinics:

Specific clinic details and topics on each registration page

(Scroll right on mobile) 

If you are unable to see the Registration link please contact samantha@headtohead.ca!





Olympian Lead



Markham Pan Am  Centre

Sunday December 29

Monday December 30

Tuesday December 31

1PM - 4PM

10AM - 1PM

9AM - 12PM

Maggie Mac Neil


U of C Aquatic Centre

Friday January 3

Saturday January 4

9AM - 12PM

Yuri Kisil

Ingrid Wilm


CARLDELREC Recreation Complex

Saturday December 28th

10AM - 1PM

Bailey Andison


Parkinson Recreation Centre

Monday December 30th


Taylor Ruck

📷: @MKuhnPhoto